Year 2 – End of Term 2 Blog
This Term has been another fun term of learning.
Our open mornings for Admissions in September 2025 are now available. Call or email the office to book your visit.
This Term has been another fun term of learning.
This term we start our new topic ‘A Child’s War’ during history lesson, and this links directly to our text: ‘The Missing’ by Michael Rosen. All our art lessons will contribute to our understanding of World War II. Pupils may be asking about their relatives and family history during this...
After a busy term, the children have settled well into their new classes and are enjoying their learning.
Holy Trinity staff team took part in the Ellenor Twilight Walk on Friday 22nd September. The total raised on JustGiving so far is £304 + £48.50 gift aid. A massive thank you to everyone who donated and supported the cause. Ellenor provides hospice care for both adults and children living...
Welcome back to school! We are excited to start our new Topic of ‘Our Changing World’ for geography and ‘The Circulatory system’ for science. These topics will allow our new students to discover the importance of maps and how we can make our own, making sure to remember to follow...
We as a Year group want to thank you all for a fantastic year of learning, different experiences, and growth. Across the year we completed a lot of experiences from:Residential (or being a member of Flamingos class) Visiting the Boys Grammar School Going to the Wizard of Oz in...
Year 3 has endeavoured to work hard in our last term and has continued to demonstrate a real love for learning.Home Learning Projects:The children made some superb Iron Men/Women. Thank you to all those who helped! Rock SteadyThe children enjoyed the Rock Steady Workshop in which we...
Thank you for an amazing year! We have had lots of fun- thank you for all your support.We have had lots of fun conducting experiments, measuring, and coding with BeeBots. We loved sports day and we learnt about some different instruments with Rocksteady.
What an amazing year! We are so proud of every single one of you and hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed your time with us during Year 1. What has been your favourite Year 1 moment?Term 6 has certainly been jam-packed with lots of fun learning opportunities and events. To...
As term six comes to an end, so does our time in reception. I cannot believe how quickly our time has gone. This term we have had great fun exploring the topic of ‘The Beach’. We have looked at sun safety, the impact of litter in the ocean, and how...