Our open mornings for Admissions in September 2025 are now available. Call or email the office to book your visit.

Latest News

Poppy Appeal

Thanks to your generous support of the Holy Trinity community, we raised £604.65 for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. The money raised provides support to the Armed Forces community in six key areas: Financial Support, Advice, Employment, Mobility, Housing and Mental Health. 

Welcome Back to Term 2 – Year 2

Welcome to Term 2! We hope that your children are continuing to enjoy their learning.A fun term of learning:Our Cornerstones' topic this term is Movers and Shakers. This is a history-based unit. Children will learn about significant people who have had a major impact on the world. The children will...

Term 3 & 4 100% Attendance

We would like to say a huge well done to pupils who achieved 1005 in Terms 3 and 4! Girls from all year 3 and 4 classes whose attendance hit 100% had their names put into a raffle to win a brand-new girls bike!We would like to say a big...