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Computing Subject Leader: Miss A Costen

For any more information on Holy Trinity’s Computing Curriculum, please contact the office.

At Holy Trinity, we want pupils to be masters of Technology. Our broad curriculum allows pupils to become creators by encompassing computer science, information technology and digital literacy. We want all pupils to flourish within Computing and encourage all to have a voice. Our knowledge-rich curriculum is designed to allow pupils to apply their knowledge creatively. We try and embed computing across the whole curriculum to make learning creative and accessible.


At our school we want pupils to be masters of Technology. Technology is everywhere and plays a pivotal part in pupils’ lives. Therefore, we want to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly, and safely. We want our pupils to be creators, not consumers and our broad curriculum encompassing computer science, information technology and digital literacy reflects this.

Our pupils will understand that there is always a choice with using technology and as a school, we utilise technology (especially social media) to model positive use alongside our work on E-Safety. We recognise that the best prevention for a lot of issues we currently see with technology/social media is through education and encouraging all to have a voice.

Building our knowledge in this subject will allow pupils to effectively demonstrate their learning through the creative use of technology and enable them to flourish. Our knowledge-rich curriculum is designed to be balanced with the opportunity for pupils to apply their knowledge creatively which will in turn help our pupils become skilful computer scientists. We encourage staff to try and embed computing across the whole curriculum to make learning creative and accessible.


At Holy Trinity, we use Teach Computing for the teaching of our Computing curriculum. This will allow all pupils to access Computing through interactive and engaging resources whilst developing the necessary skills and become independent, confident learners.

Where possible, computing is linked to engaging contexts in other subjects and topics. We have a class set of Chromebook laptops to ensure that all year groups can use a range of programs for many purposes across the wider curriculum, as well as in discrete computing lessons. Employing cross-curricular links motivates pupils and supports them to make connections and remember the steps they have been taught.

The implementation of the curriculum also ensures a balanced coverage of computer science, information technology and digital literacy. The children will have experiences of all three strands in each year group, but the subject knowledge imparted becomes increasingly specific and in-depth, with more complex skills being taught, thus ensuring that learning is built upon.


Within Computing, we encourage a creative and collaborative environment in which pupils can learn to express and challenge themselves. The success of the curriculum itself will be assessed through the analysis of yearly progress data, conducting regular pupil voice sessions, lesson observations and skills audits. This will then inform future adaptions of the schemes of work and help to ensure that progress is evident throughout the school.

Our computing education equips children with the ability to cope with the demands of an increasingly digital world and enables them to have up-to-date knowledge of what is going on in the world around them.

Computing in Each Stage

In EYFS, pupils will learn basic information about computing. Pupils will familiarise themselves with touch screens and computer equipment and will increase their confidence throughout the year in using computers. Pupils will begin learning about Online Safety in EYFS and build on this as they move through the school.

In KS1, pupils will adapt their learning from EYFS to use technology to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. Pupils will learn how to create musical compositions using software, edit photos, record a film using the camera app, create spider diagrams and more. Pupils will build on their Online Safety knowledge to support themselves when using technology.

Click the links below to view curriculum overviews for Year 1 and Year 2:

Year 1 Overview

Year 2 Overview

Pupils in KS2 will be able to select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices to create a range of programs, systems, and content. Pupils will be able to accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating, and presenting data and information. Pupils will learn how to use technology safely, respectfully, and responsibly and recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour online.

Click the links below to view curriculum overviews for Year 3 to Year 6:

Year 3 Overview

Year 4 Overview

Year 5 Overview

Year 6 Overview

Computing Progression

At Holy Trinity, we develop our pupil’s computing understanding through essential skills; growing their depth of knowledge year after year.

Computing Curriculum Overview


SEND Information

Learning is adapted where necessary to support SEND/EAL pupils and to challenge more able pupils.

Computing Extra Resources

For remote learning, please visit our remote learning page or contact our Head of Computing for more information.