Welcome to Holy Trinity

Headteacher Welcome

On behalf of all the children, staff, and governors I would like to warmly welcome you to Holy Trinity C.E Primary School, Gravesend. We hope you will find this website useful for finding out information but also for sharing in some of our events and special moments at our very special school.

Our theologically rooted vision is our navigational compass:

‘Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path,’

Psalm 119:105

We are proud to be an inclusive Christian school, with strong links to three parish churches of St. George’s, Christchurch and St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s. As a church School we aim to serve our wonderfully diverse community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian values to our pupils through all aspects of the curriculum and school life.

At Holy Trinity CE Primary School, we seek to grow enlightened, curious, responsible, and confident learners within a respectful, loving, and honest community, and do so by working in close, committed collaboration with our families, Diocese of Rochester, Aletheia Trust and beyond.

Our Aims:

1. To value all God’s children by providing a safe, caring, and inclusive environment, prioritising our efforts to keep them safe from harm.

2. To meet the academic and spiritual needs of pupils through, high expectations, a rich and relevant curriculum (based on the best that has been thought and said) which enables every individual regardless of ability to achieve their full potential and flourish.

3. To equip learners with transferable skills developing creative, imaginative and enthusiastic thinkers. Pupils will use their initiative, build confidence, resilience, and independence, promoting a ‘can do’ attitude and a desire for life-long learning.

4. To ensure children respect themselves and others, treating everyone fairly with an understanding of their individuality regardless of race, religion, gender, disability, sexuality, or social background.

5. To promote responsibility for our actions and behaviour choices; seeking forgiveness and understanding through social and moral development and achieving a culture of excellence.

6. To develop an understanding of deprivation and disadvantage locally, nationally, and globally enabling them to become responsible, valued and contributing citizens, and who can use their voice and will for the purpose of good – for all their God given life.

7. To inspire personal and spiritual growth through high quality worship and reflection.

In essence, we are:

Guided by the light of Christ in all we do; we enable all to flourish and live life in all its fullness.  We celebrate our diversity; find strength in our differences, empower, and encourage all to have a voice so we can ‘shine as beacons of light and hope in our community.

If you would like to visit our school to see our strong Christian and family ethos for yourself, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.

Mr A Jones, Headteacher

About Mr Jones

It doesn’t feel that long ago that I was training to be a teacher in Cheltenham but it has been quite a journey since then. Following my English Literature degree, I made the decision to become a teacher and play a part in shaping the minds of the future. I trained in schools in Cheltenham and Gloucester before moving back home to teach in Birmingham in a Catholic School close to where I grew up. Wanted a challenge, I moved the Middle East and taught for two years in Qatar, taking on the Head of Year 6 role and teaching classes where all pupils had English as an additional language.
Having met my now wife in Qatar, we made the decision to move to Kent where she had grown up and I became a class teacher and Head of English at Riverview Junior School. I spent two years as an Assistant Headteacher completing my NPQSL before taking on the role of Head of School and completing my NPQH.
Having played a part in overseeing the huge progress at Riverview, I am now delighted to have the honour to take over at Holy Trinity as Headteacher. Our staff are dedicated to providing the very best for all pupils through our embedded values of Love, Honesty, and Respect. It has been an exciting journey so far, but the best is yet to come.

About Holy Trinity

The school has a significant history in the town of Gravesend as it was founded in 1865, and despite being burnt to the ground in 1962 and temporarily rehoused at the former Milton Barracks in 1963, the school continues to grow in distinction at its current site in Trinity Road, where it has been since 1978.

At the time of its re-opening, the school accommodated 260 ‘Junior’ aged pupils. We now have an energetic and highly motivated population of over 450 children on roll, aged 3-11. We include alumni of the school as members of our large staff body and parents who are also former pupils, who choose to bring their own children to the school they remember so fondly.  For a variety of reasons, and not least because of the compassionate nature of the school community as a whole, it is unsurprising that Holy Trinity C E Primary School is oversubscribed in many of its year groups.

To further expand pupils’ experiences, we take advantage of enrichment opportunities provided by the wealth of sporting and cultural organisations and institutions that the South East and London have to offer, and also invite a variety of specialists and visitors to the school to provide stimulating curriculum-based workshops and events.

We are a part of Aletheia Academies Trust. Our school promotes a safe, orderly, caring, and supportive environment. Each pupil’s self-esteem is fostered by positive relationships with staff and effective communication with parents. We strive to include our parents, teachers, governors and community to ensure strong liaisons with the community

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