Author - Abbie Kemp

Rainbow Harvest at Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity celebrated this year's Harvest season with a vibrant "Rainbow Harvest" theme, symbolising unity, diversity, and the abundance of nature’s gifts. The event featured colorful displays of homegrown produce, such as fruits, vegetables, and handmade goods like jams and baked treats, all contributed by church members and the local...

Year 2: End of Term 5

Another fun term of learning!A fun term of learning:Science:We have been investigating materials that can be squashed, stretched, bent and twisted. We conducted an experiment to find out which object/material stretched the furthest.Physical Education:We have been learning how and why we need to jump. We have had time...

Term 3 & 4 100% Attendance

We would like to say a huge well done to pupils who achieved 1005 in Terms 3 and 4! Girls from all year 3 and 4 classes whose attendance hit 100% had their names put into a raffle to win a brand-new girls bike!We would like to say a big...

Easter Bonnet Parade

It was so much fun but so hard to pick winners because so many children had so many great Easter bonnets! All children were so well behaved and cheered for the winners.Thank you for coming along to our Easter bonnet parade.Have a wonderful Easter break.From Holly and...


Children in Need believes every child should have a chance to flourish and be the best they can be! They are committed to being there for every child across the UK with the support of the BBC and their partners. Children in Need fund thousands of charities all over the...

Harvest Contributions to Hive Hope

Our Head boy & girl and Charity prefect met with workers from Hive Hope to pass over our Harvest contributions, that our wonderful school family put together.Hive Hope is a charity created to provide hope to the residents of North Northfleet and surrounding areas.Hive Hopes strong Christian ethos does not judge those...