PSHE and RSE Subject Leader: Miss J Coulam
PSHE and RSE are crucial puzzle pieces when educating the ‘whole child’. We live in a rapidly changing world, where it is vital that our pupils begin to develop the skills needed to thrive in their futures. Emotional well-being and resilience have never been so important and PSHE/RSE is at the heart of ensuring our pupils are ready to learn. Our PSHE and RSE lessons offer our pupils a safe and welcoming space to explore topics such as friendships, family relationships, online safety, growing up and managing big feelings. Pupils feel empowered to make informed choices and are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves and others safe both now and once they leave Holy Trinity.
For any more information on Holy Trinity’s PSHE and RSE Curriculum, please contact the office.
At Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, we keep the Christian faith and its key concepts at the heart of our PSHCE/RSE curriculum. We believe in the education of the whole child and know that personal, social, health and citizenship education (PSHE) enables our pupils to live life to its fullest by becoming healthy, safe, independent, and responsible members of society. It aims to help our pupils to understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social, and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We are a happy, inclusive, and caring place where every child’s voice is valued. Our PSHCE curriculum reflects our diverse community and ensures that our pupils will grow to be tolerant of and celebrate the differences between themselves and others. We expect high standards of behaviour and good manners throughout the school and aspire to be beacons of light in our school and the wider community. Behaviour and attitude to learning are underpinned by values that are taught through our PSHCE lessons, making them integral to the success of the whole school.
Through our relationships and sex education (RSE) we equip our growing pupils with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and navigate family relationships and friendships, as well as the changes that occur during puberty (Years 4-6 only). This is done with specific links to faith teachings of respect and love: for other people, as well as yourself.

PSHE is taught through the Jigsaw scheme of work, and this ensures the progression of skills from Nursery through to Year 6. We supplement the relationships, health and sex education aspects of Jigsaw with material from Goodness and Mercy so that our pupils understand these topics through a faith perspective. Each and every person has been created perfectly and it is everyone’s responsibility to respect themselves and others:
- through relationships founded on respect
- through taking care of their bodies
- through forming committed long-term relationships as adults and understanding the responsibility of parenthood
Our pupils are encouraged to take on a range of responsibilities: School Prefects (Year 6), Leading Lights and Technicians for worship (Years 5 & 6), Peer Mediators (Years 5 & 6) and School Council members (Years 1-6).
We fully participate in, and promote National events such as Democracy Week, Anti-Bullying Week and E-safety Day and support a number of charities: Macmillan coffee morning, Hive Hope local food bank (Harvest) Jeans for Genes, Poppy Appeal, The Children’s Society, Children in Need, Shoe Box Appeal, reverse advent calendar and Comic Relief are amongst those we regularly support. Pupils are also encouraged to show courageous advocacy and organise whole-school fundraising.
Our pupils are able to form happy and positive relationships and also develop the mechanisms to work through any relationship difficulties they may be having. They can show empathy and compassion to others of all backgrounds and abilities, and they are confident to make the most of their own abilities. Our pupils show high levels of respect for others’ rights to their own values and beliefs and have an understanding of the United Nations Children’s Rights. They can use appropriate strategies for managing peer and media influence. Our pupils are aspirational individuals who are confident to set their own goals for success.

PSHE and RSE in Each Stage
In EYFS, for PSHE pupils will show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others. They will begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly by learning the rules and knowing right from wrong and give focused attention to what the teacher says.
In RSE, pupils will be introduced to the key relationships in their lives; learning about families, explore friendships and how to practise calm methods when feeling upset or angry.
In KS1, pupils will understand how to make safe and fair places, show good listening skills, be able to work co-operatively and recognise their own feelings of when they need help when they feel worried and know what it is like to feel proud of achievements. This will all be delivered within PSHE lessons.
In RSE lessons, pupils will know what their body needs to stay healthy including what snacks are good for their bodies. They will learn about the importance and safety of medicines and how they can help when they’re feeling poorly. As well as this, pupils will learn about life cycles, ageing and how their bodies develop with age.
In PSHE at KS2, pupils will develop their growth mindset by understanding how to set personal goals for the year ahead, learn techniques to know how to face new challenges positively and know how to take positive action to help others. Pupils will be able to confidently evaluate their own learning strengths and know how to take responsibility for their own health.
In RSE, pupils will understand more about puberty, reflect on the development and birth of a baby, learn ways to boost their self-esteem of self and others, and understand how essential mutual respect is in relationships.
PSHE and RSE Progression
At Holy Trinity, we develop our pupil’s PSHE/RSE understanding through essential skills; growing their depth of knowledge year after year.
SEND Information
SEND pupils will receive relevant provisions.
Year 6 Additional RSE Lessons
At Holy Trinity, we strive to educate and prepare children for their future lives in every way possible. Although not mandated by the National Curriculum, we believe that our Year 6 students would benefit from the knowledge and understanding gained through these RSE lessons. We have linked the teaching materials our teaching team will utilise to educate our pupils on these important subject areas. These lessons are at the parents’ choice, and parents have the ability to withdraw their children. If you would like to withdraw your child from these lessons, please schedule an appointment with the headteacher.
PSHE and RSE Extra Resources
Further PSHE and RSE Help