Welcome To Term 4 – Year 5

Welcome To Term 4 – Year 5

We are half-way through the school year already!

We will be growing our skills and knowledge this term through our Cornerstones unit: Sow, Grow and Farm.

Travel the world as we look at farming in the UK, with a focus on potato farming in Jersey.

We then go to California for our oranges.

Finally, we stop off in Peru for coffee.


In our science we will be finding out about food webs and the life-cycles of some common plants and animals.


Our art follows the natural theme of our other subjects: we will be working outdoors and using natural materials.


Our P.E. day continues to be a Tuesday, when we now go swimming. Please come in P.E. kits as there is a games lesson before leaving on the coach for swimming.



We send home a paper-based comprehension homework on a Monday, and this is marked in class on the Thursday.

Maths homework is set via Freckle each Friday: if you need your log-in again, please ask.

Remember to read your Accelerated Reader book at home too. Accelerated Reader quizzes earn points if you score 60% or more: the higher the score, the more points you get. It would be great to see some new names getting Accelerated Reader certificates.

Check back to see what we have been doing in our lessons.

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