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Nursery (On the Beach) – Welcome to Term 6!

Nursery (On the Beach) – Welcome to Term 6!

Welcome back to Term 6, our final term of the year. I hope that you and your families enjoyed the sunshine over the half-term break and are looking forward to more beautiful weather to come. This term Robins class will be learning all about the beach and the wonderful creatures that live in our oceans. We will be exploring what the beach looks like, what activities we can do at the beach, who lives at the beach and how we can help to look after them. We will also be learning all about pirates and going on our very own treasure hunt around our school.

To begin our learning this week we pretended to go on a surprise trip. To help us to predict where we were going Miss Hamilton showed us what she had packed in her suitcase. We found a bottle of sun cream, a sun hat, a bucket and spade, a beach ball, and a pair of sunglasses. We discussed if we would use these items when it is hot or when it is cold. This helped us to think about where we might be going. We came up with suggestions such as the park, a swimming pool, and the beach. Next, we acted our being at the airport. We showed Miss Hamilton our tickets and strapped in ready for our flight. We used our arms to pretend that we were flying. Once we had landed, we closed our eyes and listened to the sound of the sea and the seagulls. We were at the beach! We have had so much fun beginning to explore our new topic during our plan, do, review time.

Our focus books for this term are:


What can I do to support my child?

  • Visit a beach to help bring your child’s learning to life. Point out the different natural features such as sand, rocks, shells, and the sea.
  • Have fun playing with sand at home. Work out how to build the prefect sandcastle and encourage your child to problem-solve if the sandcastle keeps falling.
  • Create a small world beach scene for your child to act out their learning and experiences.
  • Show your child pictures of themselves or you at the beach. Discuss any memories you have and what you enjoyed doing.
  • Visit an aquarium and talk about what we can do to help keep our oceans clean.
  • Read picture books about the beach and sea creatures.
  • Practice oral segmenting and blending with your child by playing games such as Simon Says.
  • Continue to support your child to recognise and write their name. The children are proud with the progress they have made so far.
  • Create patterns with your child of different objects and materials that you have around your house.


In our final few weeks of term, we will be beginning to prepare your child for their transition into primary school. We will be discussing topics such as having a new teacher, making new friends, and putting on a new school uniform.  If your child is staying with us at Holy Trinity, they will have the opportunity to meet their new Reception teacher before the summer holiday and visit their new classroom. We will end of our term by celebrating all the children’s achievements together at our graduation ceremony and picnic. This will take place on Thursday 20th July 2023. Further details regarding this event will follow closer to the event.

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