Welcome To Term 5 – Year 1
This term, we will be exploring the topic of Childhood and will be learning words and phrases related to the passage of time.
We will be exploring photographs and artefacts to help us understand what childhood was like in the past and how childhood has changed over time, as well as learn about the different stages of life, timelines and family trees.
We will look in detail at everyday life in the 1950s, including shopping, transport, family life and childhood. We will also learn about the significance of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1953 by studying photographs and online sources.
We are very lucky this year that we will get to experience a coronation first-hand when King Charles III is crowned in May and we look forward to celebrating this monumentous occasion!
How will you and your family be celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III this year? I wonder if anyone in your family remembers Queen Elizabeth’s II’s Coronation in 1953? Why don’t you interview them about it? We would love to hear what you find out!
Also calling on any parents or grandparents who have interesting stories to tell about their own childhoods or any old childhood toys or photographs that they would like to share with us – please contact the school office or send Miss Meade an email at meades@holytrinity-gravesend.kent.sch.uk if you would be interested in coming into school to talk to the children about your experiences! We would love to hear from you!
PE Day
Merlins and Sparrows will continue to have their PE day on a Wednesday. Children are expected to wear a white round neck t-shirt, black shorts or joggers and black trainers or plimsolls. During the Winter months of PE, school cardigans and jumpers can be worn over the top of the t-shirt. Jewellery must not be worn for safety reasons.
Year 1 Expectations
We will be continuing to expect children to read their Collins Big Cat book every day at home and fill in their reading record during Term 5. We will also send home a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book that adults can read to the children.
Spellings which are linked to the Little Wandle phonics scheme that we follow in the school will go out every Friday as usual. We expect children to practise these daily at home in preparation for a spelling test the following Friday. All of these books (Big Cat books, reading record, ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book and spelling book) are due in and collected on a Thursday then new homework and books are given out on a Friday.
Maths homework will be set once a week on the Freckle online learning platform. Phonics homework will be sent home every Friday and needs to be completed and returned the following week.
One last word…
The Phonics Screening Test is fast approaching and it is imperative that all children are regularly practising their Phase 3, 4 and 5 sounds, as well as their segmenting and blending of real and alien words.
Please see the links below to support your child’s Phonics learning at home:
2018 Phonics Screening Test:
2022 Phonics Screening Test:
Little Wandle parents’ page:
Miss Meade is also running a Year 1 Alien Words Club after school until 4.30pm every Thursday during Term 5 and looks forward to seeing many of you there having lots of fun practising for your test!
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