Reception – End of Year Blog
As term six comes to an end, so does our time in reception. I cannot believe how quickly our time has gone. This term we have had great fun exploring the topic of ‘The Beach’. We have looked at sun safety, the impact of litter in the ocean, and how we can help the beach be a cleaner and safer place. We also have had a beach shop set up in our classroom so that we could role-play selling beach items to each other.
During the final term, we also visited the local library. We really enjoyed exploring the library and looking at all the wonderful books it had to offer. We even managed to borrow some books and bring them back to class. During our time in year one we will spend more time at the local library and hopefully begin taking books home.
As we round out the term with transition into our new classes, parties and picnics, we realise it truly has been a wonderful year. Our wonderful learning this year would not have been possible without our wonderful TAs. We thank them for their endless hard work and devotion. Miss Turner and I would like to wish every single child a wonderful summer and we can not wait to see the children make us proud as they  progress throughout the school.
Good luck in year 1!
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