A warm welcome from our


‘Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path,’  Psalm 119:105

On behalf of all the children, staff, and governors I would like to warmly welcome you to Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, Gravesend. We hope you will find this website useful for not only finding out information but also for sharing in some of our events and special moments at our very special school.

At Holy Trinity CE Primary School, we seek to grow enlightened, curious, responsible, and confident learners within a respectful, loving, and honest community, and do so by working in close, committed collaboration with our families, Diocese of Rochester, Aletheia Trust and beyond.

In essence, we are:
Guided by the light of Christ in all we do; we enable all to flourish and live life in all its fullness.  We celebrate our diversity; find strength in our differences, empower, and encourage all to have a voice so we can ‘shine as beacons of light and hope in our community.

If you would like to visit our school to see our strong Christian and family ethos for yourself, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.

Mrs P Gough, Headteacher

aletheia academies trust logo

Aletheia Academies Trust

Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School joined as a member of Aletheia Academies Trust in 2020.

Aletheia is committed to sustaining high-quality schools, and supporting schools in need of specific improvement in some of the more challenging wards in Kent. Our focus is to provide school improvement services that draw on the wealth of practice from across our trust, broaden the expertise available to schools through flexible working arrangements and increase our capacity to quickly respond to the needs of individual schools. Pedagogical excellence is at the heart of all we do with a sustained focus on collaborative and mastery learning.


Latest News

Year 2 – End of Term 2 Blog

This Term has been another fun term of learning.  Science Our children have enjoyed exploring Plants and what they need to grow. We conducted an experiment on cress seeds and learned all about germination.  History Our children have been...